Deliverables according to delivery date to EC

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Deliverables according to delivery date to EC

elivery date Deliverable titleDeliverable No.
M6Inclusion of Organisational, Customer and Market Aspects of Business RequirementsD1.5.1
M6MAGNET Security RequirementsD4.4.1
M8The Conceptual Structure of User ProfilesD1.2.1
M12Inclusion of Models for Competitive Dynamics of PNsD1.5.2
M12Specifications of PN Networking and Security Components (common deliverable with all WP2 tasks and with WP4, input to WP6)D2.3.1
M131st Training EventD7.4.1
M14Specification for User Identity and Role Management for PN and Intergration to PN-platformD4.3.2
M14Selection and Implementation of Protocols and Solutions in the view of PN-Platform (Together with WP2, Output to WP6D4.1.2
M15User profiles and profile management (merged with D4.3.2)D1.2.2
M18PN Networking and Security (WP6 – WP4) components conformance reportD6.1.1
M181st WorkshopD7.3.3
M18Need for Management and/or overlay Management NetworksD1.5.3
M18Usability of PN Services – low-fi prototypingD1.4.1
M24PHY/MAC benchmarking of the Target FM-UWB and MC-SS Air-InterfacesD3.2.2
M24MAGNET PN Integration and Interoperability Performance Result (Confidential)D6.3.2
M24Model ContractD1.6.1
M24Defining Usability of PN ServicesD1.4.2
M25Specifications of Interfaces and Internetworking between PN Networking Architecture and Service ArchitecturesD2.2.1
M302nd Training Event and 2nd WorkshopD7.4.2
M26Optimisations for FM-UWB and MC-SS based PAN Air InterfacesD3.A1
M28PAN-to-PAN CommunicationsD3.A2
M28Cross-optimisation of the FM-UWB and MC-SS air-interfaces solutionsD3.A3
M30PN secure networking frameworks, solutions and performance (common deliverable with all WP2 tasks and WP4)D2.3.2
M30The role of User Profiles in PN Services and Context AwarenessD1.2.3
M30Usability testing of Pilot ServicesD1.4.3
M30Analysis of Strategy OptionsD1.5.4
M30Identification of Marketable Results and relevant Partners within MAGNET BeyondD1.6.2
M30The extended secure architecture – Final (Together with WP2)D4.1.3
M30Final PN key management solution and Cryptographic techniquesD4.2.2
M30Solutions for Identity Management, Trust Model and Privacy for PNsD4.3.3
M30Analysis, Verification and EvaluationD4.4.2
M30Advanced bocks improvements analysis (Confidential)D5.2.3
M301st anf 2nd series of standardisation contributionsD7.1.4

Contact: Aalborg University · Niels Jernes Vej 10 · 9220 Aalborg East, Denmark · Phone: +45 96358080 · E-mail: [email protected]
IST-FP6-IP-027396 © MAGNET Beyond 2006-2008.  All rights reserved.