Security and Privacy

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MAGNET Beyond > Technical Approach >Security and Privacy (WP4)

Security and Privacy (WP4)

Security and privacy are essential for the acceptance of personal networks. Personal networks are built in an ad-hoc manner involving private and foreign resources. Besides their poor physical security, the lack (or limited availability) of central coordination demands a distributed communication environment where cooperation between devices is needed.

WP4 will extend the security mechanisms and network architecture defined in MAGNET to increase their efficiency and flexibility. Secure and seamless communications between users and devices, as well a between PNs of several users in presence of mobility will be supported. WP4 will develop mechanisms to provide the security and privacy in accordance with the device, network capabilities, user and application needs and context. In addition solutions will be provided for preventing selfish use of the resources and attacks on PN resources. The research activities will be carried out in strong cooperation with the other WPs within the project. The Secure Personal Network concept will, in order to achieve its set objectives, require interaction on several levels.

WP4 is divided into the following tasks

  • Task 1 Secure Networking
  • Task 2 PN specific key management and Crypto techniques
  • Task 3 Identity Management, Trust and Privacy
  • Task 4 Security Analysis, Evaluation and Verification

Task 1 Secure Networking

Major WP4 objectives are

  • To extend the security framework developed in the MAGNET to cover more advanced features of the MAGNET Beyond PN architecture as provided by WP2
  • To design efficient PN specific Key management techniques and crypto techniques for MAGNET Beyond
  • To create identity and role management with inputs from WP1 and WP2
  • To develop trust and privacy model
  • To ensure that the developed security infrastructure is robust enough in terms of resistance against threats and attacks and flexibility when dealing with monitoring, management and configuration.

Contact: Aalborg University · Niels Jernes Vej 10 · 9220 Aalborg East, Denmark · Phone: +45 96358080 · E-mail: [email protected]
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