Motivation, Vision & Mission

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Motivation, Vision & Mission

MAGNET Beyond Motivation
A common belief has evolved that new technologies should be centred on the user, improving the quality of life and adapting to the individual, without the need for the individual to be aware of technical details. Communications environments need to become smarter, more responsive, and more accommodating to the needs of the individual. Future technologies must provide context-aware services and simultaneously introduce new levels of personal safety. Personalisation and ubiquitous access to information and communications will be essential. Users will be able to create a personal profile that, according to the situation and moment, will allow them to access the most relevant information via the most suitable means of communication.

MAGNET Beyond Vision

The MAGNET Beyond vision is to make the MAGNET concept a reality. I.e. Personal Networks (PNs) will support users’ professional and private activities without being obtrusive, and while safeguarding privacy and security. A PN may operate in both ad-hoc and infrastructure based networks and will be dynamic and diverse in composition, configuration and connectivity depending on time, place and circumstances as well as resources required, and last but not least preferred and/or needed co-operating partners.

MAGNET Beyond Mission
The MAGNET Beyond mission is to make MAGNET happen by enabling commercially viable PNs that are attractive, affordable and beneficial for end-users in their everyday life. The MAGNET Beyond project constitutes a system approach to what is expected to be one of the most important telecom related growth markets of the future, i.e. Personal Area Network (PAN) style networking. MAGNET Beyond does not treat PAN networking in isolation: the concept is extended into that of a PN by interconnecting PANs with in particular wireless wide area networks to access the rich services available on and trough these networks, including the interconnection to other PANs.

Contact: Aalborg University · Niels Jernes Vej 10 · 9220 Aalborg East, Denmark · Phone: +45 96358080 · E-mail: [email protected]
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