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MAGNET Beyond > Technical Approach > Users, Pilot Services and Markets (WP1)
Users, Pilot Services and Markets (WP1)
WP1 has a broad scope and several clearly defined objectives. One objective is to develop Pilot Services that consolidate the full PN-wide scope of MAGNET Beyond components while preserving interest towards both industry (telecom, network, service and content providers, application developers) and public end-users. This will be achieved through the development of a field trial framework that is to be used for prototyping and validating the entire PN-wide architecture. Another central objective is to analyse user profiles in order to provide a conceptual understanding of the users’ requirements for future PN-services. Validation, in terms of usability and performance evaluations, of the user profiles and pilot services are carried out iteratively from the beginning to the final end-user field trials. Finally, WP1 will investigate the requirements and opportunities for realising the PN market place.
Aiming at an actual implementation and commercialisation of a PN architecture, a user-centric perspective is central in securing that, on the one side, the technical PN architecture is valid in the sense that it addresses aspects and issues required and is called for by users and on the other side, the underlying socio-economic impact is addressed. It is the fundamental purpose of WP1 to be the interface between the technological developments and Pilot Services implementation and the users by validating the Pilot Services based on the demands of the end-users.
The work in WP1 starts with simultaneously running activities in order to both secure a specification and implementation of two selected Pilot Services. Necessary input to this process is found from user-centred requirements and aspects of commercialisation and business. Further, WP1 provides feedback on the performance and user acceptability of results from all work packages.
WP1 must be seen as both providing input (user-centred) to the Pilot Services specification, implementation and validation as well as using input from all other work packages in this process. In MAGNET Beyond, two case studies are selected representing state of the art fundamental understanding on situations, user requirements and use-cases to be used in the work in WP1. The case studies are called and Nomadic@Work. From these case studies, two Pilot Services are selected to ensure both intra cluster (PAN) and PN-wide MAGNET concepts are validated. A prototype environment combines public and private networks and P-PAN and PANs to provide personalised connectivity. This will also include connectivity to personal networks in addition to user mobility. Furthermore, mobility of network services (e.g. multicasting, QoS, proxies and security of communications) will be dealt with. Pilot Services will also deal with the interface with the users; terminals must be developed with user-centred functionalities and requirements (such as low power and lightweight devices).
WP1 is divided into the following 6 tasks
- Task 1 MAGNET System and Pilot Services design specifications
- Task 2 User Profiles
- Task 3 Implementation of Pilot Services
- Task 4 Usability of PN Services
- Task 5 Building the Business
- Task 6 Investment Group Models
- About MAGNET Beyond
- Technical Approach
- Expected Impact
Contact: Aalborg University · Niels Jernes Vej 10 · 9220 Aalborg East, Denmark · Phone: +45 96358080 · E-mail: [email protected]
IST-FP6-IP-027396 © MAGNET Beyond 2006-2008. All rights reserved.