WP6 Standardisation and Exploitation

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WP6 Standardisation and Exploitation

D6.1.2 Review of current activities of relevant standardisation bodies and fora related to the candidate concepts
The purpose of this document is to collect reliable information about previously identified Standard Development Organisations (SDOs), which could be valuable targets for the MAGNET concepts standardisation action. Each of them description is based on a top-down approach and is consequently first dedicated to the general information (historical reminders, working uses, general policies and rules, etc.) and afterward enters the SDO subdivision, to provide a clear vision of the relevant working groups (for instance), where the MAGNET ideas might be practically introduced. As the presented SDOs were identified with respect to the MAGNET WPs concerns, the last section integrates the MAGNET’s Standardisation matrix that ranks, per WP, the potential SDOs for their a priori relevance to deal with the MAGNET’s concepts or ideas, in the fields of networking, radio interface definition, security, etc.
[ Review of current activities of relevant standardisation bodies and fora related to the candidate concepts ]

D6.1.3 Standardisation contributions
This document gathers the different contributions that the MAGNET project made in Standardisation Development Organisations. Besides their descriptions, this deliverable also gives indications on what are the on-going actions, the planned contributions and the standardisation strategy in MAGNET Beyond.
[ Standardisation contributions ]

D6.2.2 Project presentation on MAGNET-homepage
This report “Project presentation on MAGNET homepage” mainly consists of screen dumps from the MAGNET homepage. The project presentation includes information as to: Synopsis and Motivation, Vision, Mission, Scientific and Technological Objectives, and Project Objectives in general. The synopsis will be presented on the MAGNET homepage, while the details on motivation, vision, mission, scientific and technological objectives, and project objectives will all be part of an “About MAGNET” folder. Furthermore, a list of partners and contact information of the project management are available in two separate folders, i.e. “Partners” and “Contact”
[ Project presentation on MAGNET-homepage ]

D6.2.4 Project presentation leaflets
This deliverable 6.2.4 “Project presentation leaflets” is based on the MAGNET leaflet that has been produced with the aim of disseminating MAGNET project results. This deliverable is divided into the main areas of the MAGNET leaflet, i.e. the front page containing bullet points on basic MAGNET info, the MAGNET vision including the illustration of the Personal Network (PN) concept, the highlevel objectives of MAGNET, a brief presentation of the various WPs and their areas of interests, a list of partners divided into the various groups of partners (i.e. universities, SMEs, research centres, and industrial partners), and last but not least contact information where those who may be interested will be able to look/ask for additional information.
[ Project presentation leaflets ]

D6.2.5 1st Workshop proceedings
This deliverable is a report of the 1st International MAGNET Workshop which took place in Shanghai, China November 11-12 2004. This report is complementary to the CD-proceedings of the workshop.
[ 1st Workshop proceedings ]

D6.2.6 2nd Workshop proceedings
This deliverable is a report based on the 2nd International MAGNET Workshop which was successfully held together with the International Wireless Summit (IWS) 2005 in Aalborg , Denmark , 17-22 September 2005. This report is complementary to the CD-proceedings of the workshop which will be delivered to the EC together with this report.
[ 2nd Workshop proceedings ]

D6.3.3a Market Analyses including socio-economic impacts (Preliminary Version)
This document addresses the market potential of Personal Network (PN) and the techno and socioeconomic impacts thereof. The document brings to light the critical factors for a successful deployment of MAGNET.
[ Market Analyses including socio-economic impacts (Preliminary Version) ] 

D6.3.3b Market Analyses including socio-economic impacts – Final Version
This deliverable updates D6.3.3a, by analysing the market of MAGNET@Care. PN will add significant value to the medicine profession. The socio economic impact is a critical concern for MAGNET@Care, general issues raised are addressed it the deliverable.
[ Market Analyses including socio-economic impacts – Final Version ]

D6.4.1 Training week 1
This deliverable is a report of the first MAGNET training event “Evolution of Personal Networks towards 4G: Technology, Services, and Markets” taking place in Copenhagen at the Technical University of Denmark (DTU) 11-13 January 2005. The deliverable is complementary to the CD proceedings of the event. The deliverable also contains an evaluation of the event.
[ Training week 1]

D6.4.2 Training week 2
This deliverable is a report based on the MAGNET Conference Service and System Aspects of Personal Networks beyond 3G which took place in Rome at Hotel Quirinale, 22-23 November 2005. In addition to the general information about the conference and promotion efforts, the deliverable also contains an evaluation of the event. Evaluation is based on feedback questionnaires sent to participants of the conference. The MAGNET Conference Service and System Aspects of Personal Networks beyond 3G is an important element of MAGNET overall dissemination efforts and activities.
[ Training week 2 ]

Contact: Aalborg University · Niels Jernes Vej 10 · 9220 Aalborg East, Denmark · Phone: +45 96358080 · E-mail: [email protected]
IST-FP6-IP-027396 © MAGNET Beyond 2006-2008.  All rights reserved.