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MAGNET Beyond > Public Deliverables > WP1 User Requirements
WP1 User Requirements
D1.1.1.a Draft user requirements for PN to drive the definition of a valid architecture (Preliminary report)
This first WP1 deliverable is a draft version of the user requirements for the PN architecture. User requirements encompass access, quality of service, price, variety and interoperability. These types of requirements will be further researched in the project and will be related to the different levels of services required by different kinds of users in different usage situations. Focus is on the variety and inter-relationship between the multitudes of criteria determining the possible success of services. It aims at identifying, defining and giving a basic understanding of the fundamental terms of multi-access based on existing definitions from previous work and the standards literature. A number of user themes, scenarios and case studies are discussed, and from these several types of user requirements are extracted and classified. Some of the requirements are selected for detailed analysis while others are treated more cursorily in this first deliverable.
[ Preliminary report: Draft user requirements for PN to drive the definition of a valid architecture ]
D1.1.1.b User requirements for PN to drive the definition of a valid architecture (Preliminary report)
This deliverable presents a comprehensive survey of all the user scenarios, cases and case studies that have been analysed and proposed within the first year of the MAGNET project. Among the 11 cases presented in this report, 5 of them are presented in separate chapters with a catalogue of scenario descriptions, use cases, list of devices, relevant MAGNET concepts and user requirements. The remaining cases are described in a less detailed form and serve as the possible candidate cases for further exploration. The main objective of the deliverable is to present – in a standardised form – all the relevan information regarding use cases and user requirements from the cases and case studies considered in MAGNET until now, thereby providing a reference handbook for the MAGNET developers where they can look up the linkages between the systems requirements and the specific use cases. Other chapters present a discussion on some of the necessary user-centric support functions in a PN service architecture, and a survey of future development trends that could impact the MAGNET vision.
[ Preliminary report: User requirements for PN to drive the definition of a valid architecture ]
D1.1.1c Final User Requirements for the PN Service Architecture
Several user-centric cases and case studies have been researched in an attempt to explore the potential of the MAGNET PN service architecture in a multitude of daily-life situations. Two cases have been selected for further development and implementation in MAGNET Beyond: Nomadic@work (with the sub-cases Academics@work and Professionals@work) and MAGNET.Care (currently focused on the Diabetes.Care sub-case, but with several extensions being considered). This deliverable summarizes the work on classification of user requirements and presents in tabular form the final collection of
use cases and user requirements for the 2 main cases. User requirements are validated in terms of usercentricity as well as technical and business considerations, and the deliverable serves as input for defining the system requirements and pilot services in “MAGNET Beyond”.
[ Final User Requirements for the PN Service Architecture ]
D1.2.1 Report on Set-up of field tria
This work package 1 task 2 deliverable is the first out of two, aimed at analysing, developing and evaluating the diabetes service (DiasNet – Diabetes Advisory Service), chosen as the MAGNET phase 1 prime case study [TA 2004]. Moreover, the deliverable conducts a preliminary survey of potential future PAN/PN services [TA 2004]. The analysis of DiasNet has its starting point in the already existing non-PAN/PN web-based service currently running as pilot projects at a hospital in England and Denmark. It addresses mainly the following topics: Experiences gained from the pilot projects, results from previous user trials, the Dias- Net service’s application and problem domains, target users and the disease diabetes mellitus. Based on this analysis, design and realisation strategies for the MAGNET demonstrator prototype DiasNet- PN (DiasNet – Personal Networked) are proposed. These strategies give rise to a set of detailed scenarios use cases and requirements regarding the future DiasNet-PN service. The deliverable, furthermore, proposes a set-up of a user trial for evaluating the DiasNet-PN service prototype according to a set of clearly defined MAGNET related objectives, as well as the ISO standards for usability (effectiveness, efficiency and user satisfaction). The main purpose of the user trial is to help steer the development process toward user relevance and user centricity, and to ensure realisation of the needs and requirements put forward by the end users
[ Report on Set-up of field tria ]
D1.2.2 Report on field trial results
This work package 1 task 2 deliverable is the second out of two (D1.2.1 and D1.2.2), aimed at analysing, designing, developing and evaluating the MAGNET.Care diabetes service – DiasNet Mobile (DiabetesAdvisory Service Mobile), chosen as the MAGNET prime case study [TA 2005]. Furthermore, this deliverable conducts interviews with Danish key market players within the area of health technology in order to broaden the MAGNET.Care scope and outlook by identifying state-of-the-art services/products, trends and visions.
The DiasNet Mobile software and hardware design, implementation and evaluation efforts documented in this deliverable are based on the extensive analysis conducted D1.2.1. The hardware enables a standard blood glucose meter to wirelessly transmit data to a handheld terminal. Software has been developed to receive the data and allow the user to carry out thorough disease related data management Data are sent to a backend database for storage and inspection by health professionals. Also, quantative user behaviour logs are sent to the database for offline evaluation of usage patterns and the service in general.
Furthermore, design and execution of a series of laboratory and field user trials are conducted to evaluate DiasNet Mobile with respect to the usability of envisioned MAGNET concepts. By conducting the user trials in parallel with the development process user centricity was ensured allowing the gradual realization of needs and requirements put forward by the users. The results of these user trials provide insight into end-users’ perception and usage of the DiasNet Mobile service in particular and future PN services in general.
[ Report on field trial results ]
D1.3.1.a User Centric Scenarios for PNs of a valid architecture (Preliminary report)
This deliverable outlines the scenario construction methodology. The methodology consists of a seven-step approach where a questionnaire, an end-user workshop and MAGNET expert workshop are central elements. The scenario construction methodology has been used to develop end-user scenarios in relation to the diabetes case, which then served as input to the MAGNET expert workshop. The focus of the expert workshop was then to convert the end-user requirements into overall PAN/PN requirements, which serves as input to other MAGNET work packages. The results are end-user scenarios, P-PAN and PN communication diagrams and corresponding high level draft requirements specifications.
[ Preliminary report: User Centric Scenarios for PNs of a valid architecture ]
D1.3.1.b Updated report: User Centric Scenarios for PNs of a valid architecture
This deliverable describes the user scenarios made in the three MAGNET cases; Smart@home, Nomadic@work and MAGNET.Care. The description includes short illustrations of the methodologies used to derive the scenarios, short descriptions of the three cases as well as sub-cases, and user scenarios for all the cases.
[ Updated report: User Centric Scenarios for PNs of a valid architecture ]
D1.4.1.a Draft socio-economic impact and business models for PNs (Preliminary Report)
The present deliverable is the first of two deliverables on business models for Personal Networks (PNs). In this first deliverable, the concept of business models is outlined and related to the PN concept. Furthermore, examples of basic business models for PNs relating to different user situations dealt with in the MAGNET project are described. The main aim of task 4 in WP 1 is to examine the impacts of MAGNET PNs on business models for existing infrastructure-based networks. In the current communication markets, companies deliver services to customers in cooperation with other market players building on different business models, and the aim of task 4 is to examine the implications of PNs on existing business models – which in reality is to say to develop business models for PNs.
[ Preliminary report: Draft socio-economic impact and business models for PNs ]
D1.4.1b Preliminary report: Socio-economic impact and business models for PNs
The present report is the second of two deliverables on business models for Personal Networks (PNs). The main aim of task 4 in WP 1 is to examine the impacts of MAGNET PNs on business models for existing infrastructure-based networks. In the current communication markets, companies deliver services to customers in cooperation with other market players building on different business models, and the aim of task 4 is to examine the implications of PNs on existing business models. Where the first deliverable from end 2004 (D1.4.1a) included a general introduction to the concept of business models and a preliminary analysis of how business models for Personal Networks (PNs) and services can be developed and what the possible implications for mobile operators could be, the present deliverable (D1.4.1b) includes a much more specific examination of a number of aspects related to business models for PNs in relation to the cases that the MAGNET project has been developing during the past two years. The deliverable consists of three main elements: a) A presentation of business model concept and its implications for PNs and mobile operators, b) examinations of the specific objectives mentioned in the MAGNET project document, and c) business model analyses of the MAGNET cases.
[ Preliminary report: Socio-economic impact and business models for PNs ]
Contact: Aalborg University · Niels Jernes Vej 10 · 9220 Aalborg East, Denmark · Phone: +45 96358080 · E-mail: [email protected]
IST-FP6-IP-027396 © MAGNET Beyond 2006-2008. All rights reserved.