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MAGNET Beyond > Technical Approach > Exploitation and Dissemination (WP7)
Exploitation and Dissemination (WP7)
Standardisation is one of the key issues in research projects. The goal of WP7 Exploitation and Dissemination is among others to ensure that the results and accomplishments of MAGNET Beyond are known globally and accepted, and that these will form the basis for the deployment of future wireless and wire line networks.
In MAGNET, a number of standardisation and dissemination activities have been performed, as well as some initial steps towards exploitation. Among these, the organisation of events such as training events and workshops, publication of papers, and the selection of candidate concepts that can be forwarded to standardisation bodies and forums. In MAGNET Beyond, the standardisation activities will continue and hopefully these will result in valuable contributions to standards that can be the ground for further exploitation.
WP7 is divided into the following tasks
- Task 7.1 Standardisation
- Task 7.2 Exploitation and IPR Management
- Task 7.3 Dissemination
- Task 7.4 Training
- About MAGNET Beyond
- Technical Approach
- Expected Impact
Contact: Aalborg University · Niels Jernes Vej 10 · 9220 Aalborg East, Denmark · Phone: +45 96358080 · E-mail: [email protected]
IST-FP6-IP-027396 © MAGNET Beyond 2006-2008. All rights reserved.