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MAGNET Beyond > Public Deliverables > WP5 Flexible Platforms and Prototypes
WP5 Flexible Platforms and Prototypes
D 5.0 Impact of and Requirements on Reconfigurability
This deliverable deals with the requirements of reconfigurability and corresponding impacts on the overall communication system. Reconfigurability is a way of achieving adaptability. A framework is developed for implementing the concept of adaptability. Adaptability is viewed from a general wireless communication system perspective and then from MAGNET perspective. Reconfigurable platforms and devices to achieve adaptability are discussed.
[ Impact of and Requirements on Reconfigurability ]
D5.1.1 Representative applications and scenarios for implementations
The objective of this deliverable is to derive from WP1 scenarios and WP3 research on air interfaces a set of applications that WP5 will target for platform evaluation. These applications should be broad enough to be representative of the scenarios. Due to the very late availability of the scenarios, this document is a draft version of D5.1.1. A final version of the document will be delivered soon.
[ Representative applications and scenarios for implementations ]
D5.1.2b RF architectures for PAN nodes – Final version
This document addresses the RF front ends required for both LDR and HDR air interfaces. For the FM-UWB LDR air interface, a particular attention has been put on low power design. The critical blocks are identified and their IC design addressed in this document. For the HDR, the analysis has been carried out one step above, namely at the architectural level, since several approaches are possible and may exhibit various tradeoffs according to interferers rejection, linearity and flexibility for multi-mode multi bands applications.
[ RF architectures for PAN nodes – Final version ]
D5.1.3 Selected air interfaces of PAN nodes for implementation
This document complements the air interface selection that was done by WP3 in order to analyse the relevance of the MAGNET choices when considering implementation related parameters.
[ Selected air interfaces of PAN nodes for implementation ]
D5.2.3b Functional architecture of the integrated PAN platform – final version
This deliverable deals with the functional architecture of PAN platform for prototyping MAGNET Air Interfaces. The platform requirements on flexibility, scalability, adaptability and reconfigurability have been discussed. It is also felt that there should be two categories of platforms, one for low data rate devices and the other for medium and high data rate devices. Functional architectures for both the types of platforms and the architecture of the integrated platform are presented and discussed.
[ Functional architecture of the integrated PAN platform – final version ]
Contact: Aalborg University · Niels Jernes Vej 10 · 9220 Aalborg East, Denmark · Phone: +45 96358080 · E-mail: [email protected]
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