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MAGNET Beyond > Public Deliverables > WP3 Adaptive and Scalable Air Interfaces for PANs
WP3 Adaptive and Scalable Air Interfaces for PANs
D3.1.1 Requirement Specification for PAN Channel Characterisation
This deliverable deals with requirements for the channel and interference measurements within the MAGNET project. The requirements cover both wideband and ultra wideband measurements where the emphasis is on user centric scenarios. It covers measurement hardware specifications, scenario specifications and specification of the measurement exchange data format.
[ Requirement Specification for PAN Channel Characterisation ]
D3.2.1. Requirement specification for PHY Layer
This document provides the requirement specifications for the WPAN physical layer for the promising airinterface candidates, based on the requirements identified in WP1 and WP3 considerations. Specific needs to the user are addressed and input from WP1 will be translated to the air-interface specification and device capabilities are defined. Three user scenarios targeting LDR, MDR and HDR can be identified exhibiting different characteristics in term of data rates, link distances, power consumption, etc. We will consider five alternative systems operating in different bandwidth regions: FM-UWB and IR-UWB for the LDR scenario, IR-UWB, OFDM-TDMA and MC-CDMA for the MDR scenario and OFDM-TDMA, MCUWB and MC-CDMA for the HDR scenario. Current WLAN technologies and upcoming WPAN standards currently under development are investigated for their suitability as a starting point for the definition of an air-interface for PANs. Thus, existing and upcoming standards with physical layer requirements being similar to the ones to be investigated in MAGNET will be the baseline for defining the PHY layer specifications for the different systems
[ Requirement specification for PHY Layer ]
D3.2.2a Candidate Air Interfaces and Enhancements
This D3.2.2a deliverable on “Candidate Air Interfaces and Enhancements” presents a terminology that was developed in WP3 to answer to the needs of this workpackage. A PAN architecture is presented on the basis of which technical scenarios are extracted from the general WP1 scenario. The operating frequency bands are shown and the corresponding relevant interferers are listed. Different MAGNET PAN air interfaces are investigated in this deliverable where the preliminary performance results are delivered and discussed. As well, the robustness and co-existence aspects are covered. Enhancing techniques are proposed. A stateof- the-art of existing small UWB antennas is given as well as preliminary results from simulations are presented and discussed.
[ Candidate Air Interfaces and Enhancements ]
D3.2.2b Update D3.2.2a
In this document newly developed, PAN optimised air interfaces are described and the results are discussed. A new PHY layer scheme for high data rate applications called MC-SS and a low complexity solution referred to as FM-UWB targeting low data rate services are presented. Various enhancements are proposed and their performance is investigated using newly developed PAN channel models. To consider current developments outside MAGNET two air interface solutions based on MBOA and IR-UWB techniques are investigated with respect to MAGNET scenarios. Extensive performance analyses of all above mentioned air interfaces are carried out and presented showing the performance in typical PAN scenarios.
[ Update D3.2.2a ]
D3.3.1. Requirement Specification for MAC/RRM
One of the tasks for the design of MAGNET air interfaces is to analyse the requirements for an adaptive MAC/RRM and cross-layer optimisation. Thus it is necessary to understand the user requirements from WP1, which will allow the identification of technical requirements. This document analyses the current status of PAN air interfaces from the point of view of layer 2 and examines WP1 scenarios for technical requirements. Therefore, the objective is to specify the requirements for the associated design of an adaptive MAC/RRM and cross-layer air interface optimisation. As a precursor, it has been found, that the IEEE 802.15 family is sufficiently flexible in its layer 2 designs to allow adaptation for MAGNET air-interfaces. However, the need to verify this further and to follow up alternative solutions is still an outstanding issue.
[ Requirement Specification for MAC/RRM ]
D3.3.2a MAC/RRM Schemes for PAN
This report is concerned with the allocation of physical resources through Medium Access Control (MAC) and Radio Resource Management (RRM) schemes. MAC and RRM procedures are invoked by the upper layers while their functionalities should heavily rely on the information provided by the physical layer. Cross-layer interactions are crucial to achieve efficiency and to increase performance in system-level service provisioning. This document also provides a specification for the Universal Convergence Layer (UCL) which is responsible for isolating the upper layers from the underlying wireless technologies. Wireless Personal Area Networks (WPANs) standards currently under development (IEEE 802.15.3, IEEE 802.15.4) are the reference point for the activity and for the definition of the MAC/RRM techniques that should adapt to different air-interfaces for PANs. Finally specification of MAC and RRM schemes will be proposed for the MAGNET scenario.
[ MAC/RRM Schemes for PAN ]
D3.3.2b Update D3.3.2a
This document presents the work on Medium Access Control (MAC), Cross-Layer optimisation and the Universal Convergence Layer (UCL) for Low Data Rate (LDR) and High Data Rate (HDR) MAGNET wireless Personal Area Network Air-Interfaces. The MAC baseline utilised here are IEEE802.15.3 and IEEE802.15.4 for HDR and LDR, respectively. In particular the HDR MAC is adapted to suit the MAGNET PHY and is fitted with several cross-layer algorithms combined as Dynamic Resource Allocation (DRA), while keeping backward compatibility with the IEEE802.15.3 standard. The cross-layer algorithms under investigation are:
Cross-Layer optimised Dynamic Resource Allocation:
- Maximum rate scheduling at fixed power level and channel state knowledge
- Minimum power scheduling at fixed rate and channel state knowledge
- QoS supported optimal resource scheduling
Maximum rate scheduling at fixed power level and channel state knowledge
Link Level Cross-Layer Optimisation:
- PHY parameter optimisation exploiting ARQ and HARQ
- Selection of optimum modulation and coding scheme based on SNR
PHY parameter optimisation exploiting ARQ and HARQ
The LDR approach investigates a novel MAC super frame adaptation, namely a splitting algorithm for fast conflict resolution, and it is shown that such a general modification increases the power efficiency of the LDR MAC significantly.
To combine the LDR and HDR approaches as well as the entire Personal Network (PN) concept, the UCL provides connectivity by abstracting underlying air-interfaces with respect to higher layers, enabling simplified gateway architecture. Additionally, the UCL provides the framework to enable parameter exchange across layers as well as across air-interfaces to provide cross-layer and cross-system optimisation.
[ Update D3.3.2a ]
D3.3.4a Specification for Prototyping from PHY and Layer 2
This document is an update of MAGNET D3.3.4a and it specifies PHY and MAC layers of the PAN optimised air interfaces developed in MAGNET. One air interface tailored LDR and one approach optimised for HDR have been selected for prototyping. The specified HDR air interface utilises an MC-SS PHY layer along with an IEEE 802.15.3 based MAC. The PHY layer of LDR system uses FM-UWB techniques and an IEEE802.15.4 MAC layer is specified to be used in the LDR approach. Further, the fix point behaviour of the HDR PHY is investigated, optimum word lengths are proposed and a complexity analysis is performed. For the LDR PHY projections on the power consumption are given. Apart from specifications implementation aspects of the MAC layer are considered with respect to hardware software partitioning.
[ Specification for Prototyping from PHY and Layer 2 ]
Contact: Aalborg University · Niels Jernes Vej 10 · 9220 Aalborg East, Denmark · Phone: +45 96358080 · E-mail: [email protected]
IST-FP6-IP-027396 © MAGNET Beyond 2006-2008. All rights reserved.