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MAGNET Beyond > Technical Approach > Innovation
The future of the wireless mobile business is closely related to the value-added services that will be offered by B3G systems. MAGNET Beyond aims to achieve exemplary solutions. In particular, its main focus is to offer an innovative, scalable platform that can be used as PN Device within the same network and to also interact with other networks. MAGNET Beyond will promote the transfer of technology and know-how mainly into two separate directions: a horizontal and a vertical one.
The first direction includes the horizontal spreading of the produced knowledge and excellence among the partners of the project. This action shall be facilitated by continuous exchange and training of researchers, dissemination activities within the network (workshops, round-tables, etc.) and general networking activities to help know-how transfer.
The second direction corresponds to the transfer of technology and know-how vertically, from the partners to industry and enterprises. Actually, it deals with the process that transforms new knowledge into innovative products, benefiting the industry and the society at the same time. Close co-operation between partners and industry, commercial exploitation schemes and business plans help to proceed in this specific direction.
The MAGNET Beyond Management Team will develop a plan to optimise both the utilisation of existing know-how of the consortium and the new results from the project. While it is recognised that each partner should have a direct economic interest in the effective exploitation of the results they have contributed to, according to their own activity and business strategy, MAGNET Beyond intends to implement a collective approach. The production of the exploitation and dissemination plan will be an ongoing activity with the exploitation plan continuously amended by new available information on technology and markets. This will be based on the management of the know-how of all the partners in a multi-level implementation plan that will involve different clusters of partners in different applications. This plan will take full account of the relative scientific and technical contributions of the partners.
In addition, MAGNET Beyond partners have already defined a clear strategy to address the following innovation-related issues:
- Intellectual property protection: For that purpose, the project has a task for IPR management
- Dissemination activities: A large number of dissemination activities are foreseen, both within the involved organisations and the consortium, but mainly outside. Activities include training courses, workshops, leaflets, posters, publications and a strong participation in conferences, IST concertation meetings and other events
- Studies on techno and socio-economic aspects: The economic studies planned, to be carried out in MAGNET Beyond will define user requirements and the economically feasible ways of exploiting the technologies created. Emphasis will be given to studies that will guarantee the smooth rollout of PN services and applications
- Activities promoting the exploitation of the results: In that direction, MAGNET has foreseen a number of tasks and activities that are structured around the market analysis and exploitation plans. Key industrial partners, SMEs and research institutes will work together, in order to define clear exploitation guidelines, as well as, to help build the business
- About MAGNET Beyond
- Technical Approach
- Expected Impact
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Contact: Aalborg University · Niels Jernes Vej 10 · 9220 Aalborg East, Denmark · Phone: +45 96358080 · E-mail: [email protected]
IST-FP6-IP-027396 © MAGNET Beyond 2006-2008. All rights reserved.