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MAGNET Beyond > Technical Approach > Dissemination
The results of the project will be targeted to the various market sectors, as well as, to standardisation bodies, in this way empowering the dissemination activities and contributing to the global effort for addressing the issues coming from the integration of the cellular networks, the Internet world, and the fixed networks. In particular, 3GPP, IEEE, IETF and OMA are among the potential bodies that the project intends to contribute to.
The project’s objective of achieving a strong promotion and dissemination plan of the resulting concepts will be achieved by means of a number of different tools. MAGNET Beyond partners will disseminate the MAGNET Beyond concepts in conferences, meetings and workshops. A website is being maintained to present MAGNET Beyond to an international audience. This website will be periodically updated and will contain relevant information of the project, including public documents. In addition, project brochures and posters will be used to promote the project at conferences and meetings.
Further dissemination plans include the participation in concertation and clustering activities with other IST projects as well as in public fora, international conferences, workshops and publication in specialised magazines and scientific journals. It is also within the possibilities that MAGNET Beyond will inspire a book on its subject matter as the publishing details are already being discussed as a result of the first project phase.
The project will maintain and reinforce the strong and fruitful links already established with other relevant European projects in this area.
- About MAGNET Beyond
- Technical Approach
- Expected Impact
Contact: Aalborg University · Niels Jernes Vej 10 · 9220 Aalborg East, Denmark · Phone: +45 96358080 · E-mail: [email protected]
IST-FP6-IP-027396 © MAGNET Beyond 2006-2008. All rights reserved.