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MAGNET Beyond > Technical Approach > Work Packages
Work Packages
MAGNET Beyond is divided into seven work packages which together will meet MAGNET Beyond research objectives. MAGNET Beyond is a continuation of MAGNET. MAGNET Beyond continues the research work done in MAGNET and based on this will introduce a system development and pilot services.
WP0 Project co-ordination and management
WP1 Users, Pilot Services and Market will provide system specifications, design and implementation of Pilot Services along with the development of personalisation profiles and business models for Personal Network (PN) services.
WP2 PN Networking will develop extended PN networking and security paradigms for PN-to-PN communications and for the formation of overlays from multiple Personal Networks.
WP3 PAN-Optimised Air-Interfaces will provide the specification for the optimised FM-UWB and MC-SS Radio Access schemes.
WP4 Security and Privacy will develop mechanisms for secure, seamless and mobile communications between users and devices to be incorporated in the secure PN platform solution.
WP5 Link Level Prototypes will provide the link level block completion, testing and IC design of critical subsystems including their prototype integration for the PN platforms.
WP6 PN Platforms will provide a full-blown MAGNET PN-wide system platform that is able to support the selected Pilot Services, including the conformance verification, implementation and testing of secure PN networking components.
WP7 Exploitation and Dissemination will in collaboration with all work packages ensure that the results and accomplishments of the MAGNET Beyond project are globally known and accepted, and will form the basis for the deployment of future PN systems.
- About MAGNET Beyond
- Technical Approach
- Expected Impact
Contact: Aalborg University · Niels Jernes Vej 10 · 9220 Aalborg East, Denmark · Phone: +45 96358080 · E-mail: [email protected]
IST-FP6-IP-027396 © MAGNET Beyond 2006-2008. All rights reserved.